
伤感说说 爱情说说 心情说说 经典说说 个性说说 搞笑说说 励志说说 节日说说 唯美说说 图片说说



1. Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time跟随你心的指引吧。


《大脚板走天涯》2. HAKUNA MATATA...it means no worries - The Lion King“哈库那马塔塔”……就是没有烦恼的意思。

《狮子王》3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King陈年往事固然伤人,但你可以选择从中吸取教训,或者远远地逃离。

《狮子王》4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh如果你要活到一百岁,那么我只要活到一百岁差一天,这样我就不用度过没有你陪伴的分分秒秒。

《小熊维尼》5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio记住:要凭着你的良心做事。

《木偶奇遇记》6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas你自以为只有你那样的才算是人类,必须长得像你同你一样思维。


《风中奇缘》7. Nothing's impossible. - Alice In Wonderland没有什么是不可能的。

《爱丽丝梦游仙境》8. Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all over you! - Little Mermaid哼嗯




《小美人鱼》9. I'm not worthless -- and I don't have fleas. - Aladdin我可不是一无是处——我身上也不带跳蚤。

《阿拉丁》10. All it takes is Faith and Trust - Peter Pan只需要一些信仰和信念。

《彼得·潘》11. Look for the bare necessities - The Jungle Book找到熊熊的生存之道。

《丛林王子》12. Dreams can come true! - Cinderella梦想是可以成真的。

《灰姑娘》13. A dream is a wish your heart makes - Cinderella梦想是你的心许下的一个愿望。

《灰姑娘》14. It's kinda fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney做一些不可能的事情,其实挺好玩的。

华特·迪斯尼15. To die would be an awefully big adventure - Peter Pan死亡是一场华丽异常的冒险。

《彼得·潘》16. The world is my backyard - The Aristocats世界是我们家后院。

《猫儿历险记》17. Reach for the sky! - Toy Story朝天空发射

《玩具总动员》18. Even miracles take a little time. - The Fairy Godmother就算是奇迹也要花点时间才能发生的。

仙女教母19. Keep your chin up, someday there will be happiness again. - Robin Hood抬起头来吧,幸福快乐终有一天会重临。

《罗宾汉》20. What do you do when things go wrong? Oh! You sing a song! - Snow White事情不顺利的时候要怎么办呢



迪士尼英文电影 经典台词20句 要加中文的翻译 ! 谢谢

狮子王Simba: Dad, dad! Come on, dad, we gotta go, wake up!:爸爸,爸爸

来呀,爸爸,我们得走 了,醒醒... Dad, dad... Mufasa: Before sunrise he's yours, son.爸爸,爸爸... 木法沙:在太阳升起前 他是你的,孩子。

Simba: dad! Come on, dad! You promised!:来呀,爸爸,你 答应过的。

Mufasa: Okay, Okay, I'm up, I'm up. Simba: Yeah!木法沙:好的,好的, 我起来了,起来了。


Mufasa: Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom.木法沙;辛巴,你看, 阳光普照的一切就是我 们的王国。

Simba: Wow! Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like that sun,辛巴:哇

木法沙:一个国王的 统治期就像太阳的升起 和落下一样。

one day, Simba,辛巴,总有一天, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.太阳将会跟我一样慢慢 落下,然后在你成为新 国王时和你一同升起。

Simba: And this will all be mine? Mufasa: Everything!辛巴:这一切都是我的 吗


Simba: Everything the light touches! What about that shadowy place?辛巴:阳光普照的一切 那有阴影的地方呢

Mufasa: That's beyond our borders, you must never go there, Simba.木法沙:那地方是我们 的国度之外。

你永远不 要去那里,辛巴。

Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.辛巴:我以为国王可以 随心所欲啊。

Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being king than getting your way all the time.木法沙:哦,国王也不 能随心所欲啊。

Simba: There's more?辛巴:还有别的

Mufasa: Simba, everything you see exists together in delicate balance.木法沙:辛巴,世上所 有的生命都在微妙的平 衡在生存。

As king, you need to understand that balance作为国王,你不但要了 解那种平衡, and respect all the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.还要尊重所有的生物, 无论是爬行的蚂蚁还是 跳跃的羚羊。

Simba: But dad, don't we eat the antelope?辛巴:但是爸爸,我们 不是吃羚羊的吗

Mufasa: Yes Simba. But let me explain.木法沙:是的,辛巴, 让我解释给你听。

When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass我们死后,尸体会变为 草,而羚羊是吃草的。

and so we are all connected in the great circle of lives.所以在这个巨大的生命 圈里我们是互相关联的主要内容: 辛巴是狮子王国的,他的父亲穆法沙是一个威严的国王。







Kala: Tarzan, what are you doing? Tarzan: Why am I so different?: 泰山,你在干什 么

泰山: 我为什么那么与 从不同

Kala: Because you're covered with mud, that's why.: 因为你浑身上下 都是泥巴,那就是原因 Tarzan: No, Kerchak said I belong in the ... Kala: Close your mouth泰山: 不,哥查说我不 属于... : 别说了. Tarzan: Kerchak said I belong in the family.泰山: 哥查说我不属于 这个家族. Kala: Never mind what Kurchak said. Hold still. Tarzan: Look at me.卡拉: 别管哥查说了什 么.别动. 泰山: 你瞧瞧我. Kala: I am, Tarzan... and do you know what I see? I see two eyes. Like mine,卡拉: 我在瞧你,泰山 ...你知道我看到了 什么吗

我看见你像我 一样的两只眼睛. and a nose somewhere, ah, here. Two ears, and let's see, what else?有个鼻子在...

啊, 这儿.两只耳朵,让我 看看还有什么. Tarzan: Two hands? Kala: That's right.泰山: 两只手

卡拉: 对了. Kala: Close your eyes. Now forget what you see. What do you feel?卡拉: 闭上眼睛.忘掉 你看到的.你感觉到什 么吗

Tarzan: My heart. Kala: Come here. Tarzan: Your heart.泰山: 我的心. 卡拉: 到这儿来. 泰山: 你的心. Kala: See, we're exactly the same. Kerchak just can't see that.卡拉: 明白了吧,我们 是一模一样的.哥查就 是看不到. Tarzan: I'll make him see it. I'll be best ape ever.泰山: 我会让他看见的 我会成为最优秀的猿. Kala: all right, I bet you will.卡拉: 这就对了,你一 定会的.主要内容:在非洲原始森林成了孤儿的婴孩在猿猴家族的照料下长大成人,人类探险和出现打破了他宁静和平和世界,也使他认识到他是人类的一员,他在决定归属哪一类家族问题上的思考因为他对美丽的珍妮姑娘的感情进而变得更加复杂,而人类将对猿猴家族的伤害更使他进入了进退两难的境地。


1. Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time跟随你心的指引吧。


《大脚板走天涯》【listen to your heart是很多电影的主题。

】2. HAKUNA MATATA...it means no worries - The Lion King“哈库那马塔塔”……就是没有烦恼的意思。

《狮子王》3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King陈年往事固然伤人,但你可以选择从中吸取教训,或者远远地逃离。


】迪斯尼动画“狮子王”4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh如果你要活到一百岁,那么我只要活到一百岁差一天,这样我就不用度过没有你陪伴的分分秒秒。


】5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio记住:要凭着你的良心做事。

《木偶奇遇记》6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas你自以为只有你那样的才算是人类,必须长得像你同你一样思维。


《风中奇缘》7. Nothing's impossible. - Alice In Wonderland没有什么是不可能的。

《爱丽丝梦游仙境》爱丽丝梦游仙境8. Hmm! Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch and they swim all overyou! - Little Mermaid哼嗯





】9. I'm not worthless -- and I don't have fleas. - Aladdin我可不是一无是处——我身上也不带跳蚤。


】10. All it takes is Faith and Trust - Peter Pan只需要一些信仰和信念。


】11. Look for the bare necessities - The Jungle Book找到熊熊的生存之道。

《丛林王子》12. Dreams can come true! - Cinderella梦想是可以成真的。

《灰姑娘》【Well,虽然这年头没多少人相信这句话了……】13. A dream is a wish your heart makes - Cinderella梦想是你的心许下的一个愿望。

《灰姑娘》14. It's kinda fun to do the impossible - Walt Disney做一些不可能的事情,其实挺好玩的。


】15. To die would be an awefully big adventure - Peter Pan死亡是一场华丽异常的冒险。


】16. The world is my backyard - The Aristocats世界是我们家后院。

《猫儿历险记》17. Reach for the sky! - Toy Story朝天空发射

《玩具总动员》玩具总动员18. Even miracles take a little time. - The Fairy Godmother就算是奇迹也要花点时间才能发生的。



】19. Keep your chin up, someday there will be happiness again. - Robin Hood抬起头来吧,幸福快乐终有一天会重临。


】白雪公主和七个小矮人20. What do you do when things go wrong? Oh! You sing a song! - Snow White事情不顺利的时候要怎么办呢




海底总动员影片片段: Eathquake nemo :wake up wake up come on marlin :i don''t want to go to school!ok ,one more minutes nemo :not you dad ,me ! marlin:ok! nemo: get up,get up come to school come to school,come to school,come to school nemo:well marlin:nemo

nemo,don''t move,don''t move! marlin:are you feel break ? nemo:no ! marlin:are you sure you want to go to school this year? this is not a problem you feel don''t ,you can wait for 5、7years. nemo:come on ,dad come to to school marlin:a,forgot to brush! nemo: o marlin:do you remember nemo:yes ! marlin:brush! nemo:ok, i am done !



10句最经典的迪士尼台词,句句戳中心窝~2022-02-01 byby 多说英语B多说英语Ourfateliveswithinus,youonlyhavetobebraveenoughtoseeit.命运就掌握在我们手里,只有勇敢的人才能体会。












Mulan(前奏)Guard: We're under attack! Light the signal!Guard: Now all of China knows you're here.Shan-Yu: Perfect.(皇宫)General Li: Your Majesty, the Huns have crossed our Northern border.Chi Fu: Impossible! No one can get through The Great Wall.General Li: Shun-Yu is leading them. We'll set up defenses around yourpalace immediately.Emperor: No! Send your troops to protect my people. Chi Fu,Chi Fu: Yes, your highness.Emperor: Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.General Li: Forgive me your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him.Emperor: I wont take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tipthe scale. One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.(木兰家)Mulan: Quiet and demure...graceful...polite...[picking up some rice with herchopsticks and eating a mouthful]delicate...refined...poised...[She setsdown her chopsticks and writes down a final word on her right arm]punctual.Aiya. Little brother. Little brother. Lit-ahhh, there you are. Who's the smartest doggie in the world? Come on

