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在黎明破晓前》等三部曲的英文台词Scene IX – “You Are Stardust” (Kleines Caf) Location notes: Kleines Café is located in Franziskanerplatz (along Weihburggasse), in the 1st District, just southeast of Stephansplatz. Metro: U1 or U3, Stephansplatz stop. (They walk around a vehicle barricade then proceed down a cobblestone walkway lined with trees and vines.) (Sitting at a cafe. A pair of friars walk by, apparently in prayer.) Jesse: Hey...check these guys out. “Hey Hans, I have a confession to make. I'm not wearing any underwear underneath this thing.” “Oh really?” “Does that frighten you?” (Pauses, then turns to face Céline.) Can I tell you a secret? Céline: Yeah. Jesse: Come here. (Leans in toward her ear.) Céline: What? (Leans in a bit closer.) Jesse: Come here. (Leans all the way toward her, and kisses her on the lips.) (They pause, looking in the direction where they hear some laughter, seeing a gypsy as she finishes reading somebody's palm.) Céline: Look at this palm-reader. She's interesting-looking, no? Jesse: Yeah. Céline: Uh-oh, uh-oh. Jesse: What, what? Céline: I just made eye contact. Jesse: She's not coming over here. Céline: Yes, she is. Jesse: Oh, shit. Oh, no. Céline: Oh my God. You want your palm read? Jesse: No, no. Céline: No? Are you sure? Jesse: I'm sure. Céline: Okay. Jesse: Hello. (Mocking.) Céline: Here she is. Gypsy: Ich moechte deine hand lesen. (Would you like your palm read?) Céline: (Not understanding.) Uh, français, English? Gypsy: (Takes Céline's hand, and touches it. ) Want your palm read? Céline: (Hesitantly.) Yeah. How much is it. Gypsy: For you, fifties. Okay? Céline: Okay. Gypsy: (Takes Celine’s palm, gazing and running her fingers over it.) Oh, so, you have been on a journey, and you are stranger to this place. You, are on an adventure, you seek. An adventure in your mind. You are interested in the power of the woman, in a woman's deep strength, and creativity? You are becoming this woman. You need to resign yourself to the awkwardness of life. Only if you find peace within yourself, will you find true connection with others. (Indicates, with her head, Jesse.) That is a stranger to you? Céline: I guess so. Gypsy: (Takes Jesse's hand, and looks at it only briefly.) Oh, you will be alright. He's learning. Okay. (Claps hands.) Money. (Offers hand, awaiting payment.) (Céline pays her, and gypsy begins to walk away. With the money in her hands, gypsy turns back to Jesse and Céline, raising her arms.) Gypsy: You are both stars, don't forget. And the stars exploded billions of years ago, to form everything that is this world. Everything we know, is stardust. So don't forget, you are stardust. Jesse: (Looks away with cynical expression.) I mean, that's very nice and all, I mean, that, you know, we're all stardust, and you're becoming this great woman, I mean, but I hope you don't take that any more seriously than some horoscope in a daily syndicated newspaper. Céline: You, what are you talking about? I mean, she knew I was on vacation, and that we didn't know each other, and that (laughs) I was going to become this great woman. Jesse: Aw c'mon. But what was that “I am learning” bullshit? I mean, that's WAY condescending. You know? I mean, she wasn't even doing me. I mean, if opportunists like that, ever had to tell the real truth, it would put their ASSES out of business. You know? I mean, just once, I'd love to see, some little old lady, save up all her money, you know, to go to the fortune teller, and she'd get there, all excited about hearing her future, and the woman would say (taking Céline's hand, mimicking a fortune teller, including the voice) , “Um-hmm. Tomorrow, and all your remaining days will be exactly like today--a tedious collection of hours. And you will have no new passions, and no new thoughts, and no new travels, and when you die, you'll be completely forgotten. Fifty shillings, please.” You know, that I'd like to see. Céline: It‘s so funny how she almost didn't notice you, you know. It's weird. I wonder why. She was, she was really wise, and intense, no? I really loved what she said, you know? Jesse: Yeah, of course you do, you know. You pay your money, you get to hear something that makes you feel good about yourself. If you want, maybe there's a seedy section of Vienna, we can go buy a hit of crack, you know. Would you like that? Yeah? Céline: You're so (makes gesture to give impressive of wacko)… Jesse: Stardust, Stardust.


密码:rvja 我记得这个盘里有,爱在系列三部全部都是高清


Daydream delusion.Limousine EyelashOh, baby with your pretty faceDrop a tear in my wineglassLook at those big eyesSee what you mean to meSweet cakes and milkshakesI am a delusioned angelI am a fantasy parade.I want you to know what I think.Don't want you to guess anymore.You have no idea where I came from.We have no idea where we're going.Launched in life.Like branches in the river.Flowing downstream.Caught in the current.I'll carry you. You'll carry me.That's how it could be.Don't you know meDon't you know me by now.浸入白日梦的幻觉眨动了密长的睫毛哦 亲爱的 滑过你美丽的脸庞在我的酒杯里坠入一滴清泪凝视你纯净的双眸了然了你是我生命的意义仿佛奶昔在蛋糕的甜美中交融我像那恍惚中浮现的天使在梦幻中游弋飘荡怎忍再看你芳心百转却如何才能两情相悦不知晓我来自何方更不知哪里才是我们的归宿只管拥抱生活就像溪流终要汇入江河迤逦而下,随波逐流你中有我 我中有你本该如此可知我心


跪求 电影《爱在黎明破晓前》《爱在日落黄昏时》的全英文剧本

love at leavinglove before dawn

<<爱在黎明破晓前》(before sunrise)的片尾曲叫什么名字啊

《爱在黎明破晓前》(before sunrise)的片尾曲为《Living Life》。

《Living Life》演唱:Kathy McCarty所属专辑:《Before Sunrise OST》发行时间:1995年歌词:Hold me like a mother wouldLike i always knew somebody shouldThough tomorrow don’t look that goodWell, it just goes to showThough people say we’re an unlikely coupleI’m seeing double of youOh.This is lifeAnd everything’s all rightLiving living living living living living living living lifeOhI’m hoping thoughBecause i’m learning to copeWith the emotion-less mediocrityOhDay-to-day livingI can’t help being restlessWhen everything’s so tastelessAnd all the colors seem to have faded away.OhThis is lifeAnd everything’s all rightLiving living living living living living living living lifeHold me like a mother wouldLike i always knew somebody should, yeah.Though tomorrow don’t look that goodWell, just goes to showThough people say we’re an unlikely coupleDoris day, and mott the hoopleOhThis is lifeAnd everything’s all rightLiving living living living living living living living lifeLife!


[爱在黎明破晓时],又叫[日出之前 ], 续集叫[爱在日落黄昏后] 中文名称:爱在黎明破晓时 英文名称:Before Sunrise 别名:日出之前 资源类型:DVDRip 发行时间:1995年 电影导演:理查德·林克莱特 Richard Linklater 电影演员:伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 朱莉·德培 Julie Delpy Andrea Eckert 地区:美国 语言:英语 【简介】 美国男青年杰西在从布达佩斯向西开行的列车上巧遇法国女学生塞利纳。




续集 中文名称:爱在日落余晖时 英文名称:Before Sunset 别名:日出之前/日落巴黎/情留相逢时 资源类型:DVDRip 发行时间:2004年07月02日 电影导演:理查德·林克莱特 Richard Linklater 电影演员: 伊森·霍克 Ethan Hawke 朱莉·德尔佩 Julie Delpy 地区:美国 语言:英语 [剧情简介] 九年前,一对陌生的男女在火车上不期而遇,他,杰西,是来欧洲旅行的美国游客;她,塞琳恩,则是一位漂亮的法国女学生,他们素不相识却令彼此怦然心动,两个年轻人在维也纳共度了一个美好的夜晚,但在日出之前,处于种种的不得已,他们不得不和对方告别,两人相约,一定要在维也纳重逢…… 时光荏苒,九年之后,杰西和塞琳恩才再一次相遇,只是这次相遇的地点是在巴黎。





