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处刑人经典台词 mp3




” “我们不要你们一贫如洗或是饥寒交迫,也不需要你们筋疲力竭或是百病缠身,我们要消灭的是你们内心的腐化和邪念。








” “我等将成为牧羊人,为了你,我的主,为了你,从你手中继承权柄,我等的脚将迅捷地执行您的旨意,用他们的灵魂,让这条流向你的河流生生不息。



是Bleeding Through - Love Lost In A Hail Of Gun Fire *exercept from Boondock Saints*This was a fucking bomb. For a few seconds, this place was Armageddon. There was a firefight!*/exercept from Boondock Saints**scream**growl**screaming*You are the fucking disease.Another day, another memoryBut I have fucking failed.I turned another lieinto the work of a saint.*/screaming**chorus*So where is the cure?Hundreds of soulswith the lookof horroron their face.Now I rise from my knees.I will not live in misery.*/chorus**screaming*You won't take me.You won't take me.Now it's me.Now it's me.All that's left is a bitter tasteof a life that was once so promising.Rather cut at the wristthan laugh about your mistakes.Sickness fills the airAnother life that you wish you could fake.Your eyes will cut through me, but it's a risk,that I must fucking take.I must take!*/screaming**chorus*So where is the cure?Hundreds of soulswith the lookof horroron their face.Now I rise from my knees.I will not live in misery.*/chorus**screaming*You won't take me.You will not destroy me.You cannot destroy me.And I'll fight you with every ounce of strength I have left,and, I'll seal it with a bullet and a kiss!So look at your fucking horror!Horror!I want to see your face.Show me your true face!I want to see your face.Show me your true face!*/screaming*My heart belongs to you. So save me! Oh!My heart belongs to you. (My heart belongs to you!) So Save me!For the sake of giving away. (For the sake of giving away!)It still beats! It still beats. It still beats! It still beats.It still beats! It still beats!!My heart belongs to you. So save me!*whispered*My heart still beats. And, my heart still beats.My heart still beats. So save me.My heart still beats.




这是英文原版:Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, now and forever. Amen.

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