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Lady gaga经典语录

A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury. I don’t need luxury. For years, I was practically broke but I was still very vain and glamorous. And I still am.—生活的美丽与否与奢华无关,我不需要那些奢华。


——I don't want to sound presumptuous, but I've made it my goal to revolutionise pop music. The last revolution was launched by Madonna 25 years ago.—我不想这么霸气的~ 但是我一直把“革新流行音乐”当成我的目标。


——The turning point for me was the gay community. I've got so many gay fans and they're so loyal to me and they really lifted me up. They'll always stand by me and I'll always stand by them. It's not an easy thing to create a fanbase.—同性恋群体给我带来了我自身的一个转折点。




——Paris and Nicky Hilton went to my school. They're very pretty, and very, very clean. It's impressive to be that perfect all the time. In commercial terms, they've been quite an influence on me.—帕里斯和希尔顿是我的同学。




——I am really inspired by the Italians like Gabbana, Versace and Gucci. But I am looking it in that way and trying to make my own.—意大利的加巴纳、范哲思和古琦给了我极大的灵感,但是欣赏之余我一直努力创造我自己的风格。

——Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets, but I don't care about that kind of stuff. I want your soul.— 一些艺人想要你的钱,这样他们就能去买兰治罗孚和钻石手镯了,但我不要那些东西,我要你们的灵魂。

——Some women choose to follow a man and some others their dreams. In case that you wonder which way to follow, remember that your career won't wake up one morning to say that he doesn't love you.— 一些女人选择跟随男人,另一些则选择跟随梦想。


——A girl's got to use what she's given and I'm not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don't say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It's meant to make guys think: 'I don't know if this is sexy or just weird.'— 一个女孩要发挥她被赋予的才能,我的录影带不会做的像布兰妮的那样美到让男生流口水。



”——My grandmother is basically blind, but she can make out the lighter parts, like my skin and hair. She says, I can see you, because you have no pants on. So I`ll continue to wear no pants so that my grandma can see me.—我的祖母几乎是已经失明了,但是她人能看到亮的地方,比如我的皮肤和头发。


——The Fame is about how anyone can feel famous. Pop culture is art. It doesn't make you cool to hate pop culture, so I embraced it and you hear it all over The Fame. But, it's a sharable fame. I want to invite you all to the party. I want people to feel a part of this lifestyle.—《THE FAME》想让任何人都知道怎样去感受自己的名声济济。


说自己痛恨流行文化并不会让你变得有多酷,所以我要让《THE FAME》的流行文化将你们包围。


—— You asked me who Lady Gaga was, but even after I show you, you're still not going to know who I really am.Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don't really know me at all.—你问我LadyGaga是谁,但即使我表现给你看,你还是不会知道我到底是谁…Lady Gaga是我的名字。


——I was completely mental and had just been through so much. I hit rock bottom, and it was enough to send a person over the edge. My mother knew the truth about that day, and she screamed so loud on the other end of the phone, I’ll never forget it. I cried. I told her I thought my life was over and I have no hope and I’ve worked so hard, and I knew I was good. What would I do now? And she said, ‘I’m gonna let you cry for a few more hours. And then after those few hours are up, you’re gonna stop crying, you’re gonna pick yourself up, you’re gonna go back to New York, and you’re gonna kick some ass.—那时我刚经历过那么多,精神完全崩溃。




她说:“我给你几个小时的时间哭,时间到了你不准再哭,你要振作起来,你要重回纽约,你要回去反击”——It was my dad who pulled me back. I wanted to show my parents I was completely wild. My dad thought I’d lost it. He came to see me and told me if I didn’t pull back I would lose everything. That completely shook me, because even though I wanted to rebel, my parents are the people I respect most in this world. I didn’t want to lose my father’s respect, so I stopped. As a performer I’m outrageous and wild, but as a person I have a very strong moral code. To this day I feel guilt about what I put my parents through when I was younger. I’ll call my mother out of the blue and say, ‘Mom, I’m so sorry about what I did.’ They’re very proud of me today, but I wouldn’t have their pride if I hadn’t listened to them and told them I was sorry. It’s as important to acknowledge your mistakes as it is to get credit for your victories.—是我的爸爸把我从叛逆里拉回来了,我曾想给我父母看我是狂野的。







——I have a small bunch of really creative people who make up the Haus and they work with me on my sets, my costumes, my jewelery and the concept of GaGa. It’s my team and we come up with crazy ideas and make them happen. I do make a lot of money, but I don’t want to own flash cars; I want to make Lady GaGa the biggest star in the world, and that takes a lot of work and creativity.—我的工作室里聚集了一大批充满创造力的人,他们一起创作我的套装、服饰、珠宝饰物以及Gaga这个概念。


我是赚很多钱,但我不要豪车,我要把“ Lady GaGa”打造成世界上最大牌的明星,这需要很多工作和很多创造力。

——Fight and push harder for what you believe in, you'd be surprised, you are much stronger than you think.—为你所信仰的东西战斗,更努力一点,你会惊讶的发现你比自己认为的强大的多

——For some people, fame kills it and becomes more important than the music or the performance. But for me fame is like rocket fuel. The more my fans like what I'm doing, the more I want to give back to them.—对有些人来说,名声变得比音乐和表演更重要。



——I want my fans to know I'm there for them. I want them to see every part of me. I am never going to leave them—我想让我的粉丝知道我一直在这守护他们。



——When I wake up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year old girl. Then I say,'Bitch, you're Lady Gaga, you get up and walk the walk today.—当我早上醒来时,我和其他24岁的女孩一样有着那些不安全感,然后我会对自己说“Bitch,你是Lady Gaga啊,你要爬起来然后做你自己。

”——I want to have a husband who loves and supports me, just the way anyone else does, I am a very sentimental person and family is important to me.—我和其他人和人一样希望有个爱我支持我的丈夫,我是一个感性的人,家庭对我来说很重要。

——I am focused on the work. I am constantly creating. I am a busy girl. I live and breathe my work. I love what I do. I believe in the message. There’s no stopping. I didn’t create the fame, the fame created me.—我专注于工作,我一直在创作。







——I am beautiful in my way,'cause God makes no mistakes!I am on the right track.Baby,I was Born This Way!—我就是这样美丽,因为上帝从不会出错,我所做的是正确的,因为亲爱的,我生来如此

——I don't care if my fans love me,I care if they love themselves.—我不在乎我的粉丝是否爱我,我在乎的是他们是否爱自己。

——If the senate and the president are not going to repeal this'don't ask, don't tell.'policy, perhaps they should be more clear with us about who the military is fighting for, who our tax dollars are supporting and, ultimately, how much does the prime rib cost?—如果议员、总统始终坚持“无可奉告”,那么他们是否应该告诉我们,我们到底是在为谁而战



——If we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don't fight for our rights, pretty soon we're going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones.—如果我们不能为自己的信念站出来,不能为自己的权益奋斗,那么久而久之,我们能获得的权利不过我们骨头上的一堆肉。

高分 求 电影 英文的 经典台词

《危情三日》No prison in the world is airtight. Each one has a“key”. Youjust have to find it.世上没有无懈可击的监狱。


Escaping is easy, the hardest part is staying free.越狱很容易,出来后如何保持自由才是最难的。

I don't care what you say or how you say it. Idon'tbelieve you did it. And I never will. I know who you are andIpromise you this will not be your life.我不管你现在说什么或怎么说。



《肖申克的救赎》1、I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying. 生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。

2、These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institution alized. 监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。



3、Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another. 译文:懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。


4、I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid.I’d like to think they were singing about somethings so beautiful,it can t expressed in words,and it makes your heart ache because of it.I tell you, th ose voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dr eam. It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage an d made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man is Shawshank felt free. 到今天我还不知道那两个意大利娘们在唱些什么,其实,我也不想知道。

有 些东西还是留着不说为妙。

我像她们该是在唱一些非常美妙动人的故事,美妙得难以用言 语来表达,美妙的让你心痛。

告诉你吧,这些声音直插云霄,飞得比任何一个人敢想的梦 还要遥远。



5、(On playing opera records in the prison) Andy Dufresne: Here’s where it makes the most sense. You need it so you dont foget. Foget that there are palce in the world that aren’t made out of stone That there’s a---there’s a---there’s something inside that’s yours, that they can’t touch. (在监狱里放歌剧唱片) 安迪.杜德兰:这就是意义所在。


忘记世上还有不是用石 头围起来的地方。


6、Andy Dufresne: That’s the beauty of music. They can’t take that away from you. 安迪.杜德兰:这就是音乐的美丽。


7、Red narrating: You could argue he’d done it to curry favor with the guards. Or, mabye make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normanl again, if only for a short while. 你会说他做这些是为了讨好看守。



8、I have to remind myself that some birds don’t mean to be caged . Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up. DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they’re gone. I guess I just miss my friend. 我得经常同自己说,有些鸟儿是关不住的。
















《红狗》SYDNEY -- It’s taken eight months but there’s a bona fide local breakout hit now at the Australian box office, with family film Red Dog growing its takings in its second weekend of release here and becoming the top-grossing Australian film of the year to date here along the way. Red Dog took AUS$1.867 million ($1.96 million) in the four days to August 14 weekend across 245 screens, up 5% on its opening weekend, which was also the best for an Australian film this year. Its total take to date is AUS$4.75 million. “This fantastic result is incredible when you consider Red Dog enjoyed the best opening weekend for an Australian film this year, Joel Pearlman, managing director of distributor Roadshow Films said. It’s outstanding to watch our little hand-crafted movie become Australia’s best friend at the cinema. Like The Castle, Crocodile Dundee and Babe, Red Dog seems to have captured the Aussie spirit and is proof that spirit can trump big budgets and special effects at the box office, producer Nelson Woss added. Kriv Stenders’ film, based on the novel by Louis de Bernieres, about a charismatic canine hitchhiker that united a remote mining town in Western Australian outback in the 1970s, stars Rachael Taylor (Charlie’s Angels), Keisha Castle Hughes, Josh Lucas and Koko as Red Dog. It had its world premiere in February in完美的世界如果你觉得这世界快乐,它就是天堂;如果你觉得这世界痛苦,那就是地狱。












他爸就说什么I promise u this gonna happen之类的吧。

其实我觉得更经典的是 Rock和他儿子在潜艇里,潜艇没电,Rock要出去玩命调戏电鳗,然后他们两的对话。

具体也记不清,反正大概意思就是儿子:come back please,爸:说什么呢,我还要对你负责的,我肯定会回来,儿子:No,I need u to come back 我是真的需要你(之前儿子一直反感继父总是对他指手画脚,限制他自由,但经过这次冒险,儿子发现继父是真的爱他才会这样。



《博物馆奇妙夜1》、Taxi Driver: Hey, watch it.喂,小心点。

-Larry: Oh, come on.哦,拜托。

-Larry: Hey, Mike!嘿,Mike

-Mike: Hey, Larry. How you doing?嘿,Larry,你好吗

-Larry: Have you seen Nicky?你看到Nicky了吗

-Mike: I'm pretty sure he went with Erica. It was half day today.pretty: 相当地 我肯定他跟Erica走了,他今天只有半天课。

Parent Career Day.career: 职业今天是父母职业主题日。

-Larry: Hey.嘿。

-Erica: Hey.,Come on in.嘿,快进来。

You all right?你还好吧

-Larry: Yeah, yeah.是啊,是啊。

Why didn't anybody tell me it was Career Day?为什么没有人告诉过我今天是父母职业主题日

-Erica: What do you mean? Nicky said he was gonna tell you.gonna: <俚>将要你说什么呢


-Larry: Oh, okay, I guess he forgot.哦,好吧,我猜他可能是忘了。

-Don: There he is. How are you, Larry?他来了啊。


-Larry: Good. How are you doing, Don?不错。


-Don: Good.不错。

Can you believe this weather?你们能相信这样的天气吗

Chilly, right? Chilly, chilly, Chilly Willy the penguin.chilly: 寒冷的 penguin: 企鹅真冷,是吧


Leave me alone. Hey, why don't I go tell the little corncob you're here.corncob: 玉米棒子 little corncob: 小家伙又来了。


-Erica: Great. Great, that's great. Yeah, thanks.太好了。



-Larry: Wow, your fiance really manages to squeeze a lot onto that belt.fiance: 未婚夫 manages: 管理,整理 squeeze: 压缩 belt: 腰带哇,你未婚夫真是个忙人,你看他腰上挂满东西。

-Erica: Stop it.别说了。

-Larry: What?What? No, it's like he's...什么

什么呀? 不,他看上去就像……...The Batman of stockbrokers.stockbroker: 股票经纪人……股票经纪人中的蝙蝠侠。

-Erica: Bond trader.bond trader:证券交易员 bond: 证券 trader: 交易者是证券交易员。

-Larry: Bond trader. Sorry.证券交易员。


-Erica: Hey, how's it going with that virtual-reality driving range that you wanted to open?virtual-reality:虚拟现实 virtual: 模拟的 reality: 现实 range: 范围嘿,你打算开的那个模拟驾驶练习场怎样了

安妮日记 54 一盘被操纵的棋局,棋子是不该有任何怨言的。

55 情欲是水,流过身体不会留下任何痕迹。

56 沉默的状态能让我感觉到呼吸的自由和自己原来就处于的本色位置。

57 水会让人越喝越冷,而酒会让人越喝越暖。

58 失意的时候更需要纵情.因为快乐可以有人分享.而痛苦却没有声音。

59 难受的时候,喝醉睡觉是最好的选择。

60 流泪,呕吐,都会让身体里隐藏的灵魂更快地空洞下来。

61 我们可以对生活抱任何期待吗


62 失去了缘分的人,即使在同一个城市里也不太容易碰到。

63 你稍稍牺牲一下自己的感觉,却带给你身边的人巨大的安慰。

答案补充 64 你能考虑到别人的感受,你给别人自由,你自己才会自由.在你放弃的时候,你同时必须负担更多的东西,包括你对所放弃的不言后悔66 一道一道疼痛的血痕,让人体验到快感.67 手在黑暗中凝固成孤独的姿势.68 生命像鸟一样迁徙.69 表面上洒脱自由,其实内心软弱无力.70 有时候不知道真相,不了解本质的人,是快乐的.而能够假装不知道真相,不了解本质的人,却是幸福的.71 因你有的,别人没有。



72 生命变成一场背负着汹涌情欲和罪恶感的漫无尽期的放逐73 有时候身边很多熟悉的人,他们却只如空气般的存在.


疯狂人 The chaperone大开眼界 eyes wide shut辛德勒单 schindler's list 指环王 the lord of the rings 这个杀手不太冷 leon 狂灾 anaconda狂蟒之灾2:血兰 Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid 暴走辣妹 walk all over me 赎罪 atonement本能 basic instinct 律证俏佳人 legally blonde勇敢的心 brave heart 深海狂鲨 deep blue sea 木乃伊3 the mummy.tomb of the dragon emperor星河战队 starship troopers3:marauder 赌城无记事 what happens in vegas 电锯惊魂 saw 侏罗纪公园 jurassic park 隔山有眼 The Hills Have Eyes 人皮客栈 hostel 恐怖蜡像馆 House of Wax 死神来了 Final Destination 家有芳邻 the girl next door 红眼航班 red eye 穿prada的恶魔 the devil wares prada 女狼俱乐部 coyote ugly 乱世佳人 gone with the wind 沉默的羔羊 the silence of the lambs 第一滴血 the first blood 珍珠港 pearl harbor 泰坦尼克号 titanic小鬼当家 home alone 超级奶妈 big momma's house 埃及艳后 cleopatra老大靠边闪2 Analyze That空军一号 Air Force One绿野仙踪 The Wizard of Oz速度与激情:东京漂移 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift费城故事 The Philadelphia Story魔戒the lord of the rings 芝加哥 Chicago 角斗士 gladiator美国丽人 American Beauty 走出非洲 Out of Africa肖申克的救赎 the shawshank redemption罗马假日 roman holiday公主日记 the princess daries 教父 the god father 简爱jane eyre 极度深寒 deep rising终结者 terminator哈姆雷特 hamlet 阿甘正传 forrest gump 魂断蓝桥 waterloo bridge 傲慢与偏见pride and prejudice 阿根廷别为我哭泣evita杯酒人生sideways 卡萨布兰卡casablanca飞越疯人院one flew over the cuckoo's nest尼斯湖水怪the water house legend of the deep 夺宝奇兵indiana jones 碟中碟mission impossible 变形金刚transformers 蝴蝶效应The Butterfly Effect全金属外壳 Full Metal Jacket天生杀人狂 Natural Born Killers非常人贩 Transporter杀手47 HITMAN美女与野兽~贝儿的心愿 Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas第六感The Sixth Sense伪装者the pretender变型金刚Transformers亡命天涯The Fugitive孤星血泪Great Expectations雾都孤儿Oliver Twist以父亲的名义In The Name Of The Father拯救大兵瑞恩Saving Private Ryan卧虎藏龙Crouching Tiger, HiddeN Dragon黑鹰行动Black Hawk Down美丽人生Life is beautiful异次元杀阵 Cube黑客帝国The Matrix黑客帝国3矩阵革命 The Matrix Revolutions丛林奇兵The Rundown美国黑帮 American Gangster亚特兰帝斯:失落的帝国 Atlantis: The Lost Empire王牌大贱谍Austin Powers王牌大贱谍3 Austin Powers in Goldmember刀锋战士:三位一体 Blade:Trinity谍影重重 The Bourne Identity暗流2:末日天使 Crimson Rivers 2荒岛余生 Cast Away后天 The Day After Tomorrow华氏911 Fahrenheit 9/11死神来了2 Final Destination 2加菲猫 Garfield绿巨人 The Hulk憨豆特工 Johnny English侏罗纪公园Jurassic Park亚瑟王 King Arthur杀死比尔Kill Bill2龙之吻 Kiss of the Dragon指环王2:双塔奇谋 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers拜见岳父大人Meet The Fockers斑点狗 101 Dalmatians 101西线无战事 All Quiet on the Westernfront现代启示录Apocalypse Now宾虚 Ben-Hur独立日 Independent Day大白鲨 Jaws木乃伊 The Mummy Returns古墓丽影 Tomb Raider未来水世界 WaterworldX 战警 X-Men X真实的谎言 True Lies垂直极限 Vertical Limit当阿呆遇上阿瓜 Dumb and Dumberer最后的武士 The Last Samurai纳尼亚传奇 The Chronicles of Narnia兵临城下 Enemy at the Gates生死狙击 Shooter怒海争锋 MASTER AND COMMANDER: THE FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD十一罗汉 Ocean's Eleven金刚King Kong极限特工 XXX哈利-波特与魔法石 harry potter and the sorcerer's stone哈利-波特与密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets哈利-波特之阿兹卡班的囚徒 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban生化危机 Resident Evil or BIOHAZARD生化危机2启示录 Resident Evil Apocalypse生化危机3灭绝 Resident Evil Extinction生化危机4恶化 Resident Evil Degeneration加勒比海盗1黑珍珠 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl加勒比海盗2聚魂棺 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest加勒比海盗3世界尽头 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End美国派1美国处男 American Pie美国派2处男有喜 American Pie美国派3美国婚礼 American Pie3 American Wedding美国派4集体露营 American Pie4 band camp美国派5裸体狂奔 American Pie5 The Naked Mile美国派6兄弟会 American Pie Presents: Beta House动画片:疯狂农庄 barnyard 狂野大自然 the wild 鼠国流浪记 flushed away 帝企鹅日记 the emperous journey冰河世纪 1ice gae消融 the meltdown恐龙的黎明 down the dinosaurs 人猿泰山 tarzan 海底总动员 Finding Nemo 功夫熊猫 kung fu panda 玩具总动员 toy story 狮子王 the lion king 小鸡快跑 chicken run超人特攻队 The Incredibles宝莲灯 Lotus Lantern马达加斯加 Madagascarcage:电子上帝 Electric God 分时度假 Time Share国家宝藏 National Treasure曼谷杀手 Bangkok Dangerous惊魂下一秒 Next刑房 Grindhouse恶灵骑士 Ghost Rider异教徒 The Wicker Man别惹蚂蚁The Ant Bully天气预报员 The Weather Man战争之王 Lord of War风语者 Windtalkers勇闯夺命岛 the rock夺面双雄 face off空中监狱 Con Air魔鬼代言人Little Nicky抚养亚历桑那Raising Arizona

westlife my love mv的台词


任何一个场景都透着浓厚的历史感 任何一个镜头的推移都精心设计 任何一句台词都贴切的表明着说话人的身份强在表演。

芝加哥王capone对儿子的疼爱 eli对哥哥的复杂情感和对家庭的重视 gyp rossetti的暴戾狂妄 gillian经历的坎坷一生 meyer两次跪着求nucky放生时的窘迫和多次set up nucky时的得意的强烈对比 micky吊儿郎当却又清楚利害的可爱性格 等等等等 无不被鲜活的呈现给观众 每个人物都是那么真实 那么矛盾






















Nucky...Change is coming,maybe you heard.以上。

