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八月迷 情经典台词经典句子

Comes through us,some of us.(它回荡在我们心中,一部分人心中)

It's invisible,but...But you feel it.(它无影无形,但……你可以感觉到它)

It's God's little reminder there's sth else besides us in this universe(是上帝给我们的启示:人不能在宇宙中唯我独尊)

Harmonic connection between all living beings everywhere,even the stars.(它是不同生命的和谐交响,一切生命,即使来自不同星球)

A series of higher tones.(另一曲绝唱)It's arranged by nature.(浑然天成)

It's governed by the law of physics of the whole universe.(它是由整个宇宙的物理法则所支配)

It's an overtone,it's an energy,it's www.xiaoba365.com a wavelength.(它是自然之声,是能量所在)

And if you're not riding it,good Lordy,you'll never hear it.(倘若你不会驾驭它,上帝,你就会与它失之交臂)

I think it comes from all around you,really.I mean,it's...(我觉得它无处不在,真的。我是说,它是……)

1.Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you, but I believe in music (Englih) the way that some people believe in fairy tales .


2.you gotta have music (English)more than you love food , more than life , more than yourself


3.Nothing bad is gonna (going to) happen, you gotta (got to) have a little faith .www.xiaoba365.com


4.You never quit on your music (English) . No matter what happens . Because anytime smething bad happens to you , its the one place you can escape to and just let it go . I learned that the hard way .


5.I like to imagine that what I hear came from my mother and father . Maybe the notes that I hear are the same notes they heard the night they met . Maybe that's how they found each other . Maybe that's how they'll found me .

6.Music is God's little reminder there's something else believes us in this universe .Harmonic between all human beings everywhere ,even the stars .

其实还有很多,但是我还是最最喜欢片尾的最后两句:1.the music is all aroud of us 2.all you have to do is listen.


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